Funding and Awards
Department Allocations
Department allocations are distributed to GSA-affiliated departments considered to be in good standing within the GSA. Information on GSA membership, department standing requirements and potential forfeiture of funds can be found in the GSA Bylaws.
At the start of the fiscal year (July 1st), department allocations will be projected and factored into the year's budget according to the University's official census for the previous spring semester. In the fall semester, actual allocation expenses will be determined for each relevant department in good standing according to the University's official census data for the fall semester in question. Department allocations will be disbursed during the spring semester.
Awards for Professional Development, Attendance or Presentation
The Professional Development Awards are given to graduate students to help cover the cost associated with participating in academic conferences and alternative professional development opportunities. Awards are given to graduate students for attending relevant opportunities as well as for those presenting or speaking at relevant opportunities. Professional development opportunities may include (but are not limited to) workshops, seminars, bootcamps, licenses, or other relevant endeavors that enhance a graduate student's professional development.
Note that the GSA will give awards to as many as apply and are eligible, but not exceeding the limit of the GSA's awards budget. Submitting an application for an award is not a guarantee of its acceptance.
These amounts are subject to change at the discretion of the GSA Executive Board with recommendation from the Professional Development Awards Committee. Any changes will be announced to the General Assembly and will go into effect immediately.
- Professional Development Attendance: 100%* of eligible costs up to $150.00
- Professional Development Presentation: 100%* of costs up to $550.00
Maximum Total Funds Offered per Academic Year: $550.00
- Applicant must be a current graduate student at Saint Louis University.
- The applicant's academic department must be in good standing with GSA during the time of the event presentation or attendance. Information on good standing requirements for departments can be found in the GSA Bylaws.
The following graduate programs are ineligible for GSA award funding:
- All programs in the School for Professional Studies
- All programs in the School of Social Work (other than PhD students)
- All programs in the Chaifetz School of Business (other than PhD students)
In addition, faculty and staff members of 博彩网址大全 who are also graduate students are only eligible for funding if they pay the Graduate Student Activities Fee each semester.
Applicants can apply for the awards at any point throughout the academic year (The 博彩网址大全 academic year runs from July 1st to June 30th). Awards may be approved until the student has reached the monetary limit for the academic year.
- For example, if a student attends a conference in the fall (max $100), then if the student presents in the spring (max $300), the student is eligible to receive as much as $200 for the second conference. If the student attends an additional event, they may not receive additional funds if they received maximum funds for the first two events.
- Second example: if a student presents at a conference in the fall and receives $150 and then attends a workshop in the spring (with a $50 reimbursement), then this student is eligible to receive as much as $100 for other professional development events for the remainder of the academic year.
- Third example: if a student participates (with extensive presentation/speaking responsibilities) in a seminar and receives $300, they have reached their maximum reimbursement for the academic year and will not be eligible for further funding.
The award will only cover eligible lodging expenses within one day of the event (e.g., lodging for arrival on Tuesday for an event that starts Wednesday).
The award will cover eligible travel expenses as denoted below:
- For domestic events, students are eligible to have travel costs compensated for up to three additional days. These are in addition to the existing one day before and one day after the event.
- For international events, students are eligible to have travel costs compensated for up to eight additional days. These are in addition to the existing one day before and after the event.
Please note:
- 博彩网址大全 students must abide by the University's travel restrictions and guidelines. For the 2021-22 academic year, travel to State Department Level 4 categories cannot be reimbursed.
- Students must also affirm vaccination status and/or commitment to quarantine if travel is required. For more information, see the University announcement here.
- The applicant cannot receive continuing education credits for the professional development opportunity.
- The applicant cannot claim meal expenses above $65 per day (please see Excel sheet for information regarding international travel). Note that all meals must be documented with an itemized receipt.
Event and Related Fees
- Registration Fees: Original Receipts
- Printing Costs: Original Receipts
- Proof of Attendance: Program, name badge or similar documentation (physical or digital) demonstrating presence at the event
- Airfare: Original Receipts and Boarding Passes
If you are using your phones as boarding passes, please remember to screen-capture your passes to prevent delays in processing your application.
- Personal or Rented Vehicle Expenses (e.g. parking, gas, tolls, rental fees): Original Receipts within dates of travel
- Public Transportation or Taxis/Shuttles: Original Receipts (we do accept Uber/Lyft receipts)
- Itemized Food Receipts (NOTE: Alcohol cannot be included for reimbursement.)
- The maximum amount GSA will cover per day is $65 for domestic locations.
- Excessive tips will NOT be reimbursed.
- Itemized Hotel Receipt
- Hotel Incidentals: Internet charges and meals billed to room are redeemable but need to be be itemized.
Examples of Ineligible Expenses
- Books
- Alcohol
- Toiletries or prescriptions
- Sightseeing activities, souvenirs
- Lodging incidentals (movies, mini-fridge purchases, video games)
- Purchases without receipts
- Passports
- Tuition for courses
Dual Funding
If alternative funding is received by the applicant for the conference, this amount must be specified on the Professional Development Award Application Excel sheet. The GSA Professional Development Award may only cover the amount paid by the graduate student that is not covered by alternative funding (e.g. department funding).
Policy Exceptions
Policy exceptions are determined on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to be considered for an exception, you must receive approval from GSA before the travel occurs by emailing with an explanation of the reason for an exception along with any accompanying documentation (e.g., flight price comparisons). In addition, include the GSA exception approval email in your application. If you receive an exception to travel more than the three (or eight) days outside of the event dates, this exception will only apply to travel costs (e.g., airfare, rental car, parking, gasoline) and meals (on travel days), and does not apply to lodging. Not all exceptions will be granted and an exception does not guarantee an award.
International Travel Insurance
To prepare and safeguard Saint Louis University students studying abroad, the Office of International Services adopted a comprehensive insurance package, mandatory for all students participating in a Saint Louis University International Program. International Programs include, but are not limited to: an international program of study, research, service or other University sponsored international experience. Additional information regarding the HTH Worldwide insurance policy, including a link the online application and payment, may be found on the International Health Insurance Study Abroad webpage. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of International Services, 314-977-4081.
Brennan Summer Fellowship Awards
The purpose of the Brennan Fellowship Awards is to provide students with summer supplementary support. There are two types of awards:
Amount: Up to $500
Number given: Up to four per year
- Two awards to MA/PhD students in health sciences programs who are taking professional/certification exams
- Two awards to MA/PhD students taking comprehensive/qualifying exams)
Applications are due Friday, March 7, 2025 no later than 11:59 p.m.
To receive the exam preparation award, the graduate student must plan to take all written and oral comprehensive exams in the next academic year (the summer, fall or spring terms following the award). The applicant must provide verification from their advisor or exams chairs stating that the student is in the process of preparing for exams and that all prerequisite conditions are on target for being met in that timeline. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Requests for this exception should be addressed to GSA Brennan Awards Chairs ( NO LATER THAN March 7, 2025.
Applicants must demonstrate how the award would facilitate their comprehensive exam preparation in a manner that could not be met through another funding source, such as employment or an existing scholarship, fellowship or assistantship. Additionally, applicants will be asked to describe the comprehensive exam process in their respective departments.
Amount: Up to $1000 for master's thesis and dissertation
Number given: Up to seven per year. Applications are due Friday, March 25, 2022 no later than 11:59 p.m.
Dissertation and Thesis Awards are given to graduate students who are conducting research for their masters' theses or doctoral dissertations. To receive this award, the applicant must have advanced to candidacy and completed all degree prerequisites prior to the application deadline. The applicant must provide verification from the department chair stating that the student has passed all comprehensive exams and that the thesis or dissertation committee has approved the proposal. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Requests for this exception should be addressed to GSA Brennan Awards Chairs ( NO LATER THAN March 4, 2022.
The monetary award is to cover research and writing expenses for the summer months (May - August) of the application year only. Applicants should demonstrate how the award would facilitate their projects in a manner that could not be met through another funding source, such as a scholarship, existing fellowship or assistantship. The clarity of research goals, as well as the intellectual merit and broader impact of the project, will be considered by an interdisciplinary Awards Committee. This is not an award intended for those who are still formulating their research proposals, but rather for those in the midst of their research.
All awards will require the listing of all alternative sources of funding, which will be taken into consideration by the GSA Awards Committee. Falsification of or failure to disclose this information will result in revocation of this award. Each type of award may be received only one time during a student's academic career at Saint Louis University. Eligibility for funding requires that you must not have previously received either type of Brennan Summer Fellowship Award, which will be verified with the Office of Student Financial Services (i.e., recipients of the Exam Preparation Award are not eligible for the Thesis or Dissertation Research Award in subsequent years). Applications open in February and are due in March.
To complete the GSA Brennan Fellowship Master's Thesis or Dissertation OR Exam Preparation Award application, follow these instructions:
1. Complete the appropriate application, both of which require a signature from your department chair certifying either that:
- You have completed the coursework for your degree and are scheduled to take all written and oral comprehensive exams; or
- You have advanced to candidacy and completed all degree prerequisites prior to the application deadline (thesis/dissertation award). This additional document must be uploaded as part of the application.
Exam Preparation Award Application
Thesis/Dissertation Research Award Application
Be sure to download each file by going to File > Download As > Microsoft Word (.docx).
2. Upload the application as a PDF document to this Google form. If you are having trouble accessing the form, log into My博彩网址大全 first, click on Tools, click on Google Drive, then come back to this page and click on our link.
The following graduate programs are ineligible for Brennan Awards:
- All programs in the School for Professional Studies
- All programs in the School of Social Work (other than PhD students)
- All programs in the Chaifetz School of Business (other than PhD students)
In addition, faculty and staff members of 博彩网址大全 who are also graduate students are only eligible for funding if they pay the Graduate Student Activities Fee each semester.
2022 Thesis/Dissertation Awards
College for Arts and Sciences
Madeline Billeaud
Nina Fogel
Wendy Piñon-Teal
Kathryn Braden-McInerney
Kimberly Lowell
Madeline Stockell
Thomas Morine
Matthew Holder
Parks College
Austin Krohn
2022 Exam Preparation Awards
College for Arts and Sciences
Lauren Olsen
Israel Olayide
Doisy College of Health Sciences
Emily Cler
Mary Wilton
Publication Assistance Awards
The purpose of the Publication Assistance Award is to help cover the cost associated with the publication of a scholarly work.
All Publication Award Applications are due within 30 days after the expense is paid. No exceptions!
Please read through the Publication Award Application Instructions. Complete the following two documents and submit along with other requested documents per the instructions to the application link (?) below. All publication assistance awards must be submitted online.
GSA Publication Award Coversheet
Publication Award Spreadsheet Application
If you are having trouble accessing these forms, log into My博彩网址大全 first, click on Tools, click on Google Drive, then come back to this page and click on our link.
- This award will provide 50% of eligible costs associated with the publication with a maximum award of up to $500. For example, if $1,000 is spent, a student can receive a publication award of $500.
- Any current graduate student whose department is in good standing with GSA at the time that the costs were incurred may apply for a GSA Publication Assistance Award no later than 30 days following payment for the expenses.
- A student may request this award only once per semester (Fall semester: July 1 to December 31; Spring semester: January 1 to June 30), and only once per publication.
- Application for this award will NOT impact the eligibility for any other GSA awards.
- Original receipts for costs incurred must be submitted with the award application. Any documentation supporting the costs must be included (e.g. correspondence with the publisher about fees). In addition, you must submit a publisher’s or editor’s letter announcing acceptance of the publication.
Any questions should be sent to the Professional Development Awards Committee at
Recognition Awards
The purpose of the GSA Recognition Awards is to honor students who have gone above and beyond in the fields of teaching and service, as well as faculty members who excel in mentoring graduate students. The following awards will be distributed at each College or School's Pre-Commencement Ceremony. Nominations for the 2022 GSA Recognition Awards are now open and will close on April 4, 2022.
This award is intended for a graduate student who has demonstrated excellence in teaching, either as a Teaching Assistant (TA) or as the primary instructor of a course. Students or professors who have observed the instructor in the teaching sector may make nominations. To complete a nomination for the 2022 Graduate Teaching Award, complete the submission form found HERE.
This award is intended for a graduate student who has demonstrated a high level of service to their department and/or the university community. To complete a nomination for the 2022 Service Award, complete the submission form found HERE.
This award is intended for a graduate student who has demonstrated a high level of leadership to their department and/or the university community. To complete a nomination for the 2022 Leadership Award, complete the submission form found HERE.
This award is intended for a professor who has inspired students and enhanced students' graduate education. To complete a nomination for the 2022 Mentorship Award, complete the submission form found HERE.
Graduate Student Teaching Award: Lokesh Coomar from the School of Medicine
Graduate Student Service Award: Maggie Dunson from the Chaifetz School of Business
Graduate Student Leadership Award: Claire McNamara from the College for Public Health & Social Justice
Faculty Mentorship Award: Dr. Scott Martin from the College of Arts and Sciences.
- Complete the appropriate submission form; links are included in each award description above.
- If you are having trouble accessing a form, log into My博彩网址大全 first, click on Tools, click on Google Drive, then come back to this page and click on the link.